0117 403 0415 [email protected]

Hello Raw Spacers,

April is here and with it a mixture of rain showers, sunshine and more rain showers! Our lunch social is thriving, we’ve got lots of exciting plans for the space and some adjustments to our social events.

Here are our newsletter highlights:

✨ Feedback survey – here’s what you said!

✨ Sprucing up our space

✨ Doggy business

✨ Membership discounts for attending social events

✨ Dinner on Gloucester Road

✨ Games Night on Wednesday 24th April @ Chance & Counters

✨ This month’s member spotlight is David Cotton

✨ Free marketing drop in surgery on May 14th with Alex

As always, if you have feedback or suggestions for our newsletter or space, drop us an email or chat with Emma.

Best wishes,

Emma, your Community Manager ☺️


Space News 🗞

Members Feedback Survey 👯‍♀️

Thank you to everyone who completed our survey and shared what they loved about our space, as well as ideas for improvements. We’ve taken it all on board and have been mapping out our next few months of space and community updates.

We recognise the time and effort it took to provide feedback and we always want to be transparent when it comes to sharing that with our community. We’ve put together an infographic which captures the key data and shared it below. We hope you enjoy reading it!

Updates on what’s next and what we’re working on over the next few weeks can be found further down our newsletter ☺️

Space Updates 🚀

We’ve been busy the last few weeks getting started on some big and small projects around the space. Your feedback from the survey really supported us to focus on what matters to you (and us) the most!

So far we’ve completed the following:

✅ Painted the back wall in the main space & gave that area a deep clean

✅ Added frosting to the phone booth windows for more privacy on calls

✅ Deep cleaned the meeting room carpet (it looks brand new!)

✅ Rejigged the artwork around the office & added more to create a vibrant space

✅ Replaced the microwave, kettle and toaster

✅ Replaced the water cooler machine

✅ (Finally!) fixed the coffee machine

✅ The shower is now leak free and ready to use!

And we’re not finished, here are some of the projects in the pipeline:

⭐️ Fix the terrace, sand and varnish it, as well as the outside furniture

⭐️ Replace the kitchen sink and some of the floorboards

⭐️ Phone booth improvements (and yes, better ventilation is top of the list!)

We’ll keep you updated as we make progress and as always, if you have any feedback do let us know.

Doggy Business 🐶

We love having all our friendly dogs joining us in the space and we are noticing an increase in the need to clean up after them. Please can we ask that you keep an eye on them if they’re wandering off around the office, some of them are sneaking off and leaving presents in other rooms for our members, and for Emma to clean up.

If your dog feels the desire to mark their territory in our space, we may ask you to keep them on a lead when inside to ensure that doesn’t happen.  Thank you for understanding and being responsible dog owners.

Change to our social event schedule 🗓

We’ve been reviewing our social events and seeing if there is anything we can change to better suit our members.

We’re aware that as life gets busier with family and after work commitments it can become harder to make our weekly events, in particular our Thursday drinks social.

And so, starting immediately our Thursday drinks social will be moving to once a month instead of weekly. We hope this means that if you’d like to join us, you’re able to plan your schedule around our monthly date and it will be easier to attend.

Our Wednesday lunches are becoming increasingly popular and we could’t be more thrilled! They will stay weekly, and we’re considering changing the time of them to better suit those who like to eat lunch earlier rather than later. Emma will pop a poll in the group chat and we can vote which time suits everyone the most, then change it if needed. Make sure you’re in the group if you want to have a say!

Discounts for attending social events 🎉

Don’t forget that the more you socialise, the more money you can knock off your next membership invoice!

At the moment there is a race to see who will hand in their first completed card and claim their discount!

We’re also rolling out a new membership discount scheme for attending our social events. Attend 10 social events, and receive a 10% discount off your next invoice!

Here are the details on how it works:

🦋 There’s no time limit, collect as you go, for as long as you need to.

🦋 This is for monthly hot desking and Diamond members only.

🦋 We ask that you stay for a minimum of 30 minutes at any of our events.

🦋 Stamps provided by Emma, bring your card with you for each event.

🦋 If your company pays for your membership, we’ll provide you with cash back instead.

Emma will be distributing our new stamp cards so why not collect your first one this week! All of our social events are up on the kitchen wall with the relevant QR codes for our Whatsapp group chats for each one. We can’t wait to see you there!

Dinner on Gloucester Road social 🍱

Thank you so much to everyone who has signed up for our dinner social. You’ve been added to a Whatsapp group this week and we’ll be asking you to vote on the date and location. Once decided we will be asking everyone to make a £5 cash deposit to secure their space which will be returned on the night. Emma will be in touch about next steps.

Games night – Wednesday 24th April 🎲

Our next Games night is scheduled for Wednesday 24th May from 5pm at Chance & Counters. We’ve got a table booked, so please let Emma know if you’d like to attend as we have limited spots available.

Join us for a couple of hours for games, snacks and drinks. £2 per person per hour for games. Don’t forget to join our group chat to stay in the loop with all the details! You can find the QR code on the poster in the kitchen.

Lunch on us if you leave us a Google review 🥙

How do you fancy a free lunch? We’re looking members to leave us a Google review so we can continue to grow our wonderful community 🥰 The more reviews we have, the easier it is for people to find us. If you leave us a review, we’ll buy you lunch (up to £10) as part of our Wednesday lunch club! Use key words such as meeting room, hot desking, office space and coworking 👩🏾‍💻

Housekeeping Items 📄

A gentle reminder to please be mindful when taking phone calls in the main space or in our phone booths. Noise can easily travel around our open room layout and our phone booths are not 100% soundproofed. Please talk into your headset versus the whole room ☺️ The same request goes for playing content on your phone, please use headphones to watch or listen to anything. If you’re struggling with someone’s noise levels, we invite you to kindly and politely talk to them and share your preference ☎️

A gentle reminder to keep an eye on your hours if you’re on our Bronze and Silver memberships. We trust you to stay within your hours and let us know if you need to adjust your membership level to match your current hot desking needs ☺️

If you wish to pause or cancel your membership, please note that we require 30 days notice. As a small, independent business it supports us to manage our membership numbers and keep growing our community🌱


New Members 🤩

Welcome to our new members who joined us in April:

Libby Askew, Tom Burton, Lex O’Hara, Holly McHugh, Mike Lee-Graham, Martin Hare Robertson, Jon Farrar, Vik Singh, Theo Cooter and Tracy Scorgie.

New members, don’t forget to send us your picture & bio info so we can pop you on our member’s board in the kitchen 📸


Member Spotlight 🔦

This month we’re spotlighting David Cotton who’s been with us since December 2019.

What do you do for work?

I front an Olympic Athlete purpose project called Legacy 300, which through the delivery of in person experiences has raised over £620K for good causes. Every four years I now get to watch people I know, and who I call friends, take on the world and usually bring home medals. With them, we are planning a big event in September called Homecoming, which wraps our sporting experiences around the conventional tropes of team building. So if any of you have friends who work in London then send them to www.legacy300.com/homecoming

What do you love to do outside of work?

Cinema, live music and still manage to play sport even at my age.

What do you love most about the Raw Space Community?

As I operate a business on my own, its always great to chat with other industry sectors and share frustrations, ideas and success stories. Also it’s the best place to wind up Alasdair about Nottingham Forest (although happy to do that with other members and their football teams too.)

What can Raw Spacers come to you for?

Bad jokes and access to stars of Paris 2024.

Who would you like to connect with?

If your company supports a good cause, it would be great to chat about how you can create a free of charge partnership with the GB Athletes to see if we can multiply that support. Last Autumn these experience days did that by 241%.

How can people get in touch?

[email protected]

Would you like to be featured next month?

If so we’d love to hear from you!

This is a great opportunity to introduce yourself to our community, let us know what you do, who you are and the best way to connect with you.

Please fill out this form and Emma will be in touch. 


Raw Space Events 🎪

If you’re looking to connect with your fellow Raw Spacers, come join us at one of our many events. They are a great way to get to know each other, take a break from work and have fun!

We have some running weekly and monthly, so plenty of choice depending on your schedule. No need to sign up, just show up on the day or join our WhatsApp groups to stay in the loop ✨

Wednesdays: Lunch Together in our meeting room @ 1pm

Thursdays: Poker Night @ 7pm

Monthly on a Thursday: Drinks on Gloucester Road @ 5pm – next date TBC

Every month: Games Night – our next date is Thursday 28th March from 5pm @ Chance & Counters


External Events / Future Events 🌟

Marketing drop-in surgery @ Raw Space

Tuesday 14th May 12.00pm – 2.00pm

Calling all solopreneurs, founders, or anyone trying to grow their business!

Whatever your marketing challenge, sometimes you just need to talk to a human. Alex is offering free 30 minute 1:1s over lunch for the next few weeks for anyone who wants to get unstuck on their marketing journey.

⭐️ Learn more about how to raise awareness of your brand

⭐️ Capture more leads and convert more customers

⭐️ Get your systems and processes set up for growth

Soundboard your marketing ideas, problem-solve and receive tangible feedback and next steps.

Fill in this short form to register your interest.

Want to share your event with our community or perhaps there is there an event you’d like to see or organise?

Send us an email to [email protected] with all the details and you can be featured in our next newsletter.


Meeting Room 🪑

Did you know that even if you’re not a member of our space you can rent out our office meeting room?

Whether you need it for a couple of hours or the whole day, we’ve got you covered. And the best thing is you can book it all online via our website.

Click here to find out more or email us at [email protected].


Virtual Office 📤

Need to register your business but don’t have an office address to use?

Check out our Bristol virtual office service where you can register your business and have your post delivered to our office space.

Check out our Level 1 and Level 2 mailing subscriptions here to find out more.
