0117 403 0415 [email protected]

Welcome Raw Spacers ☺️

This is our first monthly newsletter of 2023! Our intention is to stay connected throughout the month by letting you know what’s happening in our space, how you can get involved and kick off our member spotlight.

As always, we’d love to hear any feedback or ideas you have about making our community stronger and being one of the best co-working spaces in Bristol! Pop a message on our noticeboard or speak to Emma to share your ideas.

We hope you have a great rest of the month and hope to see you at an event or two in the next few weeks.

Best wishes,

Your Raw Space Team


Space News

Here’s what’s been happening in our space this month:

We’ve given our bathroom area a makeover with new flooring and fresh colour on the walls. It’s bold, bright and fun!

We now have a bigger breakout space in Headspace with sofas and a coffee table. The intention is to use the space when you need a break from your desk and want somewhere to eat your lunch. We ask that only humans sit on the sofas please so we can ensure the space is inviting for everyone.

There are a few more desk options in Headspace as a result of creating the breakout space. Please feel free to sit on any that don’t have a name badge on them.

Our coffee and connection event has kicked off wonderfully and we’re excited to keep growing it week on week.

Myles from Bishopston Bagels set up shop in our meeting room offering his locally sourced, freshly made bagels for lunch. He sold out within 10 minutes! He’s going to be popping by every Tuesday with a range of options for you to choose from which will include crisps, fruit and homemade treats.


Raw Space Events

If you’re looking to connect with your fellow Raw Spacers, come join us at one of our many events. They are a great way to get to know each other, take a break from work and have fun!

We have some running weekly and monthly, so plenty of choice depending on your schedule. No need to sign up, just show up on the day or join our WhatsApp groups to stay in the loop ✨

Mondays: Coffee & Connection @ 10am

Tuesdays: Bishopston Bagels @ 12pm

Wednesdays: Lunch Together on Gloucester Road @ 1pm

Thursdays: Drinks on Gloucester Road @ 5pm & Poker Night @ 7pm

Every 2nd Monday of the month: Games Night – next one on March 13th


Member Spotlight

Would you like to be featured in our member spotlight next month?

If so we’d love to hear from you!

This is a great opportunity to introduce yourself to our community, let us know what you do, who you are and the best way to connect with you.